In the distant future, a potent and rare energy resource known as rubium controls the interstellar economy. Several galactic corporations compete for control over this resource in hopes of securing riches for themselves. When their military forces arrive to harvest rubium found on a foreign moon, they are greeted by the many indigenous life forms. They quickly conscript the alien creatures and begin marching against their competitors. Far out on the galactic frontier, away from oversight or public scrutiny, these four corporations now do fierce battle for control of the moon’s rubium.
How it’s different from previous versions: ● Updated illustrations and graphic design ● Molded plastic 3D Monolith ● Includes team play and variant rules
Features: ● Carry out secret missions and control the mines to collect Rubium! ● Activate energize cards to sway the tides of battle! ● Enlist alien species and battle for dominance! ● Hidden objectives create fun surprises and comebacks! ● Includes translucent “Blacklight Glow” minis
Contents: ● 164 Plastic “Glow” figures ● 4 player boards ● 108 Cards (Mission, Secret Mission, Energize) ● 16 Game board tiles ● 1 Double-sided Monolith tile ● 1 Plastic 3D Monolith ● 24 Exploration tokens ● 70 Rubium gems ● 1 First player token ● 6 Dice ● 1 Rulebook
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